So, yes, I am going to write an update about Lovey's food sensitivity/allergy situation at some point. There have been other significant developments, however, that bear mentioning. As Lovey approached 2 years, we began talking about expanding our family. Next thing we knew, I was pregnant again! So, we now have TWO little boys in our family! Boy #2 (haven't given him his blog nickname yet) was born on November 27, 2010, and I think that our homebirth story, to my best recollection, would make a lovely first return-to-blogging post. I promise that I've included no gory details but it is, after all, a birth story so if the words "contraction," "dilated," or "push" make you squeamish, you may wish to sit this one out.
On Friday morning (Nov 26) I saw my midwife, Kaelyn, and she checked me (my choice) - I was 1 cm and 40% effaced. We joked that maybe she triggered something. Well, my water broke on Friday night around 7:30. I wasn't totally sure so Kaelyn came and checked me, and confirmed it. Contractions started when I went to bed, around 11ish and they were regular for a while, about 6-8 minutes apart. They kind of petered out, which worried me because with Lovey my labor stalled and that is one of the numerous reasons we had to go to the hospital. Everyone kept reminding me that this was a different baby and different labor, but it was hard not to compare because that was my point of reference, right? Anyway, I couldn't sleep and I woke Chris up to hang out with me around 3 or so. In the morning, Kaelyn advised us to go for a walk and to try some homeopathic remedies to help get the contractions more established. It was lovely because it was the first real snow flurries of the season and Lovey had a blast, shouting "Snow!" with glee every few minutes. So cute!
After lunch, Chris and I decided to have Lovey go to my parents' house so they came and picked him up. I had really hoped that he would be there for the birth but we realized that we were tired and needed rest, and I needed Chris's full attention and support. I found that Chris putting extreme pressure on my lower back during a contraction would help immensely. At around 3, I went to lay down and suddenly the contractions started coming fast and furious. Chris called our primary midwife, Rhea (who, I would like to mention, was not even on call but had attended Lovey's birth and, it seems, was determined to be present at this birth and we love her so much for this), at 3:30, and she arrived at about 4. She checked me and I was at 6 cm. She called Kaelyn who arrived shortly after that. I was laboring in the shower.
Maybe around 5 they moved me onto our bed. I was at 8-9 cm, and I just remember that shortly after that I felt like I needed to push so they said go ahead. I wasn't pushing effectively for a bit so they literally sat me on a birthing stool, on the bed, for a few pushes, then moved me back onto the bed, on my back. I pushed for about an hour total, and holy moly, crowning and pushing him out was painful! I guess I did not expect it because I was medicated for Lovey's birth. Man, did I just want him out!!! Chris helped to catch him, and announced his gender, and cut the cord (which was loosely around his neck but Rhea quickly dealt with that with no issues). Rhea and Kaelyn felt that he was a bit pale so after putting him right on my chest they blew some oxygen in his face. He was fine - more than fine, actually - perfect!
He was 8 lb 6 oz and 20.75 inches long (not 21.75 inches as I had previously thought and reported to everyone!). Rhea and Kaelyn checked our vitals and did the after birth type stuff. We ordered take out and just hung out for 3 hours. Rhea ran me an herbal bath and put me in it, and they cleaned up everything while I relaxed with Chris and baby. It was amazing!!! Our midwives were just so fabulous! I told them I loved them a few times, I think. Then they tucked me into bed and left us to snuggle with our new babe.
There were moments during the labour and during the pushing, especially, when I thought, "What did I get myself into?" and "Is it too late to go to the hospital for an epidural?" (umm, yah! Way too late! LOL). I had to tell myself that there was only one way out and that was to keep going! But, at the end, I felt like a superwoman!! Being at home made it possible to have him naturally, and I am so grateful that we were able to have this experience.

He's gorgeous! I also loved my homebirth experience and would do that again in a split second, if we were to do it again. Much better than the hospital experience.