
Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Little Bit of History Repeating

For anyone wondering how the food sensitivity story ended for Lovey, well, it didn't.  It hasn't.  He continues to be unable to tolerate even small amounts of dairy however he seems to be okay with *most* other foods.  I'm never fully convinced that there aren't other foods that he reacts to.  But he is really thriving and there are no other ongoing symptoms or patterns, so we do not restrict his diet otherwise.

Lovey stopped nursing just past 2 years - probably a result of a combination of factors, not the least of which was a tanking supply due to my pregnancy.  He self-weaned, so we achieved that goal, though it was bittersweet.  I really thought he would ask to try it once the baby arrived, but he didn't.  I guess he was really ready even if I wasn't.  The good news for me was that it allowed me total freedom in my diet.  And did I enjoy it!  While I didn't add dairy in on a daily basis, I definitely indulged.  After all, I was pregnant and very, very hungry!  I did struggle with the worry that I was exposing the unborn babe to dairy and possibly exacerbating/creating a dairy sensitivity in him.  Interestingly I began to have some interesting reactions of my own after eating dairy, which confirmed the testing that I had done which indicated that I also have a sensitivity.  Boo.

And now for more bad news ... it looks like we are dealing with a food sensitivity situation with this baby, too.  We were so hopeful at first.  The first diapers looked good.  But then we started to see the same symptoms as with Lovey.  Congestion, fussiness, gas/discomfort, reflux, bad diapers.  I had pretty much cut out dairy from about a week before his birth but after things looked good, I admit I had some pizza just to see what would happen.  So I went off dairy again, problems continued.  Went off soy, problems continue.  Now I'm looking at maybe tomato because there might be a pattern.  It can take a few weeks to see improvements.  And the feelings of discouragement are starting to set in again.  I start to wonder - is it me?  Is it my milk?  This is further complicated by an oversupply/overactive letdown issue which can cause some of the symptoms.  There is overlap.  It is crazy-making.  Thankfully he is growing and developing very well and the symptoms are not as extreme (i.e. no blood) so I feel that his sensitivity(s) are likely less severe than Lovey's.  And, of course, we have lots of knowledge and experience behind us, which should help us figure this out fairly quickly.  *fingers crossed*


  1. It's not you or your milk, my dear. It might be a cruel genetic joke, but it is in no way your fault.

    Having gone through the dairy and soy issues (and all sorts of problems when initially introducing my youngest to solids), I can say without a doubt that it is not YOU. But boy does it suck.

  2. Thanks, Laura. Cruel, indeed. It's hard not to think about it like it's "toxic" milk :( I know it's not but it's hard to be rational all the time, especially on such little sleep lately!!! It has always been of some comfort to know that we aren't the only ones that have faced this.
