
Sunday, February 8, 2009

25 Things About Me

Since I have been slow to update this blog, mainly because I haven't had much time to sit and type (really type, not the 1-finger typing that I often have to do with babe in arms) and also because I just can't really sort out what I want to write about, I now present the cut-and-paste, lightly edited (for names) version of my 25 Things note from Facebook. I will say that another blogging friend did the same, just so she doesn't think that I have totally ripped off her idea. Although I was planning to do it anyway ;P

1. I'm on maternity leave until September 2009 with my now 8 month old son.

2. I met my husband at a pub. He was drinking, I was not. I accidentally spilled my drink and he made me dance with him. He sang karaoke. I still called him the next day.

3. I met my husband in Nov 2005. We bought a house together in Nov 2006. We were engaged Dec 2006. We were married Aug 2007. We had a baby 9.5 months later. It's been a busy few years LOL

4. I lack the confidence to believe that I can think of 21 more interesting things to list.

5. I really like space shows. Loved Farscape (thanks to hubby) and Stargate Atlantis, and wish they didn't end. Also dig Star Wars, Star Trek (not the original, for some reason).

6. I'm currently on an extremely strict diet because I am breastfeeding my son and he has some food sensitivities that we are trying to figure out and help him with. It makes me cranky sometimes. I miss chocolate. I lost 70 pounds in 7 months (gained 50 in pregnancy).

7. I'm a landlady. We rent out our downstairs apartment.

8. Sometimes I triple-check things, like Did I lock the door? Did I turn off the stove? Do I have my keys? (the answer is usually yes x 3)

9. I was a straight A student up until mid-high school when I got a bit distracted. I failed one course in university - Psych Stats - mostly because I gave up halfway through.

10. I can have a short attention span. For example, I'm wondering how much longer this is going to take me, when can I have a snack, maybe I'll just quickly check my e-mail, and what is on TV right now.

11. Lately I'm addicted to the forum, particularly the Allergies section. I'm into Attachment Parenting.

12. I just started a blog that I don't think anyone except my mother has actually checked out yet. Not that I blame them.

13. I have visited every province in Canada, but not the territories. I have lived in 2 provinces and 1 state.

14. I have done 3 really interesting extended road trips - 1. west coast by car (came home on a bus from Vancouver because the car died), 2. east coast by bus by myself (came home by car from PEI with a dear friend), and 3. put over 12000 km on my brand new car (Canada & US), mostly by myself, including camping and hiking in the Rockies on my own.

15. I love to travel. My travel goals are to set foot on every continent, and to see all the major mountain chains (love, love, love mountains!).

16. I've often thought of starting a business - just not sure exactly what kind.

17. I'm my own worst critic.

18. I don't know where I want to live. Today I'm thinking ... somewhere warmer!

19. I spend too much time on the internet. I check Facebook too often. Yet I don't reply to messages in a timely fashion.

20. I love to order things online. Or, rather, I love to receive packages in the mail!

21. I get kind of annoyed when people don't bring their own bags to the grocery store.

22. It's 10:30 on Saturday night, and I'm on Facebook. I'm hoping that my baby doesn't wake up and I'll probably be in bed within the hour. 10 years ago I would have been getting ready to go out somewhere.

23. I have typed and erased about 3 different things for #23. I'm hoping for better luck with #24 and #25.

24. I am caregiver to my grumpy-old-man cat who is about to turn 16 years old.

25. I am grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life - friends, family, my husband and my son. I am truly lucky :)

1 comment:

  1. OH pshaw, whatever. Feel free to borrow ideas, and don't feel badly if you're late to publish something and someone does it before you. It's the internet . . . it's not like there's a copyright on it!
