
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Well, this is my first blog post. Not sure if this is going to be a 1-time thing, occasional or frequent, as I am a busy mama and typing with one finger (while nursing) is slow ... but here goes. I will address the issue of the name FnkyGreenMama, for those who are curious. I will also pretend that someone is reading this because, after all, it is not likely that many people actually will. FnkyGreen was my old, old screen name when I used AOL and had a little website on there (that no one really visited) back in the day. The reason behind the name: I love many things funky and green. I think someone must have had the screen name FunkyGreen (with U) so I settled for FnkyGreen (no U). And now I just keep using it, no U, for various online activities/logins/etc. And, of course, now that I'm a mom, it has morphed to FnkyGreenMama. So now you know :)